Sydney Floods Deal Property Owners Another Blow – The Underlying Problems Remain
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Sydney residents have endured a challenging few years, facing bushfires, soaring COVID-19 cases, and major housing affordability crises.
Now New South Wales property owners face yet another battle, this time in the form of catastrophic floods, causing widespread damage to homes.
Unfortunately, many Sydney homes are at great risk of excessive flood damage, and the problem isn’t restricted to properties in low-lying areas, known as the “Sydney basin.” Increasingly, home plumbing issues exacerbate risk in flood conditions.
Adequate plumbing infrastructure, professionals say, can be can be crucial in protecting properties in flood zones from storm water damage and flooding.
“Property development and infrastructure can have a big impact on the way water will flow and congregate on the land,” said one North Sydney plumber.
But the underlying problems remain in New South Wales homes and continue to put properties at risk.
Older Sydney homes often feature aging pipes, which are prone to leakage as a result of corrosion. This puts existing infrastructure under pressure even before a major rain event occurs.
For all homes, blocked drains, downpipes, and gutters can pose a risk that isn’t worth the cost for owners.
When drainage systems are not properly installed or maintained, dirt and debris can gather, and cracks and leaks mat appear. Even past floods can cause damage to pipes! These deficits prevent pipes from draining water efficiently, increasing the likelihood that water will gather around or even inside the home.
Likewise, running sounds from a toilet or sink may signal a sewage or plumbing problem long before a storm strikes. When rain does begin to fall, these small problems can turn into critical issues, leading to damage and costly repair demands.
Experts say that floor prevention checks can be simple. To reduce the risk of catastrophic flooding events, adequate storm water drainage systems should be in place to remove rainwater during heavy falls.
Additional protective measures may include down pipes and grated pits, along with well-maintained gutters and rainwater tanks that divert to an efficient stormwater system.
With heavy rain and dangerous weather events increasing in frequency, emergency plumbers in Sydney it is now more important than ever for Sydney property owners to prepare their homes.
“If you do decide to purchase a home in a flood zone, it will be crucial to check the storm water arrangements around the property,” a local plumber said.
By planning for major meteorological events with adequate plumbing infrastructure, homeowners may be able to avert crisis and protect their properties from sustaining most costly damage.